“Governance” encompasses how the Board is structured and how it operates, the Board’s approach to executive compensation and shareholder engagement as well as the Board’s oversight of the company’s risk management processes.

Our corporate governance practices are reflected in our "Corporate Governance Guidelines", which provide for director qualification standards, director responsibilities, form and amount of director compensation, director orientation and continuing education, management succession planning and performance evaluation of the Board.

Corporate Watch

Ballard is committed to the highest standards of ethics and compliance and promotes a culture of ethics and integrity throughout the company. We encourage our employees to report any situation that appears to involve a breach of the company’s ethical or legal obligations. We also encourage those outside company to report concerns about any wrongdoing.

Ballard has adopted a reporting system to receive any anonymous reports or allegations of wrongdoing. Individuals who become aware of wrongdoing or suspected wrongdoing are encouraged to make a report as soon as possible.

The following web reporting site and toll-free numbers have been set up for this sole purpose:


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